We offer many services in the Salt Lake Valley and the surrounding areas in private, public, and charter school settings. Below is a brief outline of all services that we provide. If you have any questions, please visit our contact us page.
Participation in the IEP team or 504 team evaluations and determination of eligibility
Occupational Therapy Evaluation including review of prior IEP’s, classroom observation, teacher report, and comprehensive occupational therapy evaluation of the child.
Participation in the development of the IEP or 504 plans, either of which determines goals and objectives for the child.
Provide assistance in understanding and remaining compliant with federal and state timelines for Related Services
Development of an intervention plan to outline the specific occupational therapy intervention that will assist the child in meeting goals and objectives.
Provision of indirect and direct Occupational Therapy Services
Reevaluation as indicated or required by parent or member of IEP team
Consultation from a Sensory Integration Perspective
In-services for staff on Sensory Tools for Classroom, OT for all kids, Sensory Breaks, SI in the schools
Specialization in Autism Related Occupational Therapy Services
Occupational therapy services in the school setting are offered in the following formats:
Direct service: Working with the student one on one, individually or in a group setting, in the therapy room or in the classroom
Consultation: Consultation with student’s parents and educational staff (teachers, speech and language therapists, physical therapists, psychologists, principals, and paraprofessionals).
Consultation may include suggestions for:
Adaptation and accommodation – of task, materials, or environment
Activity analysis – identify underlying skills needed for participation in activity, breaking task down into manageable segments
Interpreting the impact and effect of disability – how it may manifest itself in the classroom, playground, lunchroom
New perspective or frame of reference – provide another perspective of a student and his/her behaviors
Home and classroom programs – provide ideas for activities to do at home or in the classroom that will foster skill development and optimal level of alertness
Monitoring: Working with classroom teachers to monitor a child’s progress and to help implement data tracking system
Evaluations and screenings: Evaluating children with suspected disabilities in the following areas: fine and gross motor, visual perceptual, visual motor integration, sensory processing, and motor planning and sequencing.
Recommendations: Working with teachers and parents to recommend strategies, accommodations or modifications for children not on IEPs but having difficulties in the classroom.
Our Story
We are deeply committed to:
🐝 Excellent and creative OT services 🐝
🐝 Compliance with IDEA, state, and federal laws 🐝
🐝 Sensory-based self-regulation skills for the students 🐝
🐝 Timely documentation and reporting
🐝 Data collection and goal mastery 🐝
🐝 Communication with IEP team 🐝
Helping Your Child Explore, Grow, & Learn
Busy Bee Therapy Services fulfills the requirements necessary to remain compliant with applicable rules and regulations described by the Utah State Board of Education in conjunction with the Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).